Just posted on our magazine webpage: Colin McKeown tries out a DIY fishing trip on two Northwestern Ontario lakes to fish for rainbow trout and smallmouth bass.
There are dozens of services that provide fly-in remote outposts and one of my favourites is Lauzon Aviation located near Blind River Ontario. Lauzon Air Service is a family-run business that has been helping anglers access great fishing for over 30 years. They have nine rustic outpost cabins on nine separate lakes, each system featuring different species. On one lake you can have walleye and pike and on another rainbow and lake trout. These DIY (do-it-yourself) fishing trips are perfect for groups of anglers or families. You have the lake entirely to yourself for the whole week, a nice experience for those who want solitude! ….
To read more click here: https://www.thenewflyfisher.com/articles/do-it-yourself-fly-in-fishing/